Delaware Data Descriptions

Delaware 2008 Ponds and Lakes= Ponds and lakes Delaware County as of 2008

Delaware 2010 Ponds and Lakes= Ponds and lakes Delaware County as of 2010

Delaware Address Points= Addresses within Delaware County

Delaware Annexations= Boundary areas where townships are part of a city

Delaware Archeological= Points with archeological significance

Delaware Bench Marks= Copper plate with a known location in Delaware County that survey’s use to determine location.

Delaware Building Outlines= Outlines of buildings in Delaware County

Delaware Census Block= A block of area covered by the census within a block group.

Delaware Census Block Group= Blocks of area covered by the census within the tract.

Delaware Census Tract= Blocks of area covered by the census within the county.

Delaware Economic Development= ?

Delaware Farmlots= This dataset consists of all the farm lots in both the US Military and the Virginia Military Survey Districts of Delaware County.

Delaware Floodplain 100yr= Floodplain predicted for 100yr flood

Delaware Floodplain 2009= Floodplain from 2009

Delaware Floodplain 500yr= Floodplain predicted for 500yr flood

Delaware Floodways= Floodways, areas of flood control,  in Delaware County.

Delaware Historical Local= Local historical sites

Delaware Historical National= National historical sites

Delaware Hydro= Large bodies of water in Delaware county

Delaware Hydro detail=Small bodies of water in Delaware County

Delaware Landmarks= Landmarks in Delaware County

Delaware Mastering Point Coverage=  Addresses within Delaware County (Same as Delaware Address Points)

Delaware Municipalities= This dataset consists of all municipalities within Delaware County.

Delaware Natural Heritage ODNR= the cultural, historic, recreational and natural resources of Delaware County

Delaware Orthophoto Detailed 2010= Detailed photographs of North Delaware County and South Delaware County.  Both North images can have a value of 255-41, 255-37, 255-44  and South images can have a value of 255-0,255-11, 255-17.

Delaware Parcels= This dataset consists of all parcels within Delaware County.

Delaware Parks= This dataset consists of all of the park locations within Delaware County.

Delaware Places of Interest= Each of these are separate layers of places of interest: Cemeteries, Churches, Daycares, EMS, Fire Stations, Golf-course, medical centers, Police, post offices, Public buildings, Schools, Fire Districts, Law enforcement

Delaware Precincts= This dataset consist of 3 data layers which include voting precincts, polling places and city ward boundaries within Delaware County. (NOTE: Each dataset has its own metadata.

Delaware Public land survey system= This dataset consists of polygons depicting the boundaries of two public land survey districts in Delaware County.

Delaware Railroad= Railroads in Delaware County

Delaware Road center line= This dataset consists of all center lines within Delaware county

Delaware Road right of way= This dataset consists of all right of ways within Delaware County.

Delaware School Districts= This dataset consists of all school districts within Delaware County.

Delaware Soils= Soil types and locations in delaware county

Delaware Subdivision= Dataset with all subdivisions in Delaware county

Delaware TaxDist = This dataset contains all tax districts within Delaware County

Delaware Topography= This dataset contains contour lines for Delaware County

Delaware Townships= This dataset consists of 19 different townships that make up Delaware County.

Delaware Townships Historical= This dataset consists of the historic boundary coverage for the townships in Delaware County (18 townships only)

Delaware Watersheds ODNR= are areas of land that drain into a body of water.  Watersheds at border of county may drain into the adjacent county.

Delaware Wetlands= dataset of all wetlands within Delaware county

Delaware Woodland ODNR= dataset of all Wooded areas within Delaware county

Delaware Zip Codes= This dataset contains all zip codes within Delaware County.

Delaware Zoning= Zoning boundaries within delaware county.  Areas with historical zoning in Delaware County

Landscape Analysis= ?

Ohio Wesleyan Parcels= Parcels owned by OWU.

Watershed Scioto= This shows the watersheds that drain into the Scioto.

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